since 2022

RHI Magnesita Leaders Forum

Text: Leila Kassoume-Kreiner; Fotos: Philipp Podesser

RHI Magnesita's first Global Leaders Conference took place in 2022 as a hybrid event, after a covid-induced hiatus. It was followed in 2023 by the European Leaders Forum. In 2024, we another edition of the European Leaders Forum.

The conference brings the top managers of RHI Magnesita’s international sites to Vienna for two days of working, listening and discussing. Each year, a different venue was picked. In 2022 the conference took place in the Wiener MuseumsQuartier. The venue of the 2023 Leaders Forum was the Talent Garden, while the 2024 edition was held in the weXelerate space. Informal side events alongside the official program were hosted in venues such as the Palmenhaus Burggarten, the Kleinen Dachboden of the 25hours Hotel,  K47 and the Riesenrad Panorama, complete with a ride on the iconic Vienna Ferris wheel.

We have been responsible for the conception and implementation of the event since 2022.

büro wien
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